Friday, August 3, 2012

Nuevo Mexico

Though the landscape in New Mexico is quite similar to the open fields of panhandle Texas, there are some noticeable changes. There are more taco shops, fewer cowboys, different time zones, mountains and aliens.
Yes the extra terrestrial life forms have become a phenomenon in Roswell, NM. I have a theory that the "UFO" sightings and civilian abductions that we're said to occur some 60 years ago was a ploy by the government in cohesion with the city of Roswell to boost the cities economy. Roswell is in the middle of the desert. There ain't another town for 50 miles. The only natural attraction is the "Bottomless Lake" which is still 20 miles away from downtown Roswell. (We did make the trip to Bottomless Lake and I was a bit Misguided by the name. I was expecting to see a lot of dropped trousers but I realized the name is in regards to the depth of the lake.) Anywho, I think the UFO event was staged to draw attention to the city. The entire city revolves around an alien theme. The McDonald's has an alien playscape, the radio station has an alien logo, even the street lights are tinted green and have to black ovals to represent an aliens face. People come to Roswell to see the alien museum and in hopes of finding out the truth about what happened in the desert 60 years ago. What they find is a google link to Area 51 and a happy meal with a generic looking alien figurine.
Some cities are built on natural resources, others on geographic location, Roswell, New Mexico is built on a myth.

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